Common Bread Baking Problems (2024)

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You’ve bought the best breadmaker, and you’ve got great bread making recipes. But it’s just not working out! We understand the frustration of your loaf not quite being picture perfect! Don’t worry, we can help! Let’s first make sure our ingredients are fresh, then explore some common bread baking problems, and the steps that can be taken to correct them.

Bread Baking Problems and Solutions

Collapsed or Sunken Loaf (Rising and Falling)

Common Bread Baking Problems (1)

Cause: too much yeast, sugar or water, too little salt, or high altitude.

Here’s what you can try doing to improve your loaf:Reduce your yeast by 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon to start with, and using cold water. If you see an improvement but it’s still notquite there, continue to reduce incrementally. Alternatively, you could try increasing salt, or decreasing your sugar or water.

Short, Dense, and/or Dark Loaf

Common Bread Baking Problems (2)

Cause: typical of too much flour (or other dry ingredients) or not enough liquid; less often a result of too little yeast, too little sugar, too much salt, or old ingredients.

Here’s what you can try doing to improve your loaf:Reduce your flour* or increasing your liquids. You can always check your dough during the KNEAD cycle to make sure the texture isn’t too dry.

Lopsided Loaf

Common Bread Baking Problems (3)

Cause: typical of too much flour (or other dry ingredients), not enough liquid, or recipe size is too small

Here’s what you can try doing to improve your loaf:Reducing your flour* or increasing your liquids. If you’re using your own recipe, you may need to increase the recipe size. The minimum loaf size for our 2 pound bread machines is 1 1/2 pounds (BB-CEC20 and BB-PAC20), and 1 pound for our 1 pound machine (BB-HAC10).

Lumpy Loaf

Common Bread Baking Problems (4)

Cause: Typical of too much flour (or other dry ingredients) or not enough liquid

Here’s what you can try doing to improve your loaf: Reducing your flour* or increasing your liquids. Check the dough during the KNEAD cycle—if it appears knotty or lumpy, you can add a tablespoon of water at a time until a nice, round ball of dough forms.

Unmixed Ingredients

Common Bread Baking Problems (5)

Cause: The kneading blades were not installed properly, or kneading blades have worn out.

Here’s what you can try doing to improve your loaf: Installing kneading blades before adding ingredients to the baking pan. If you suspect they have worn out, take the baking pan out of the bread machine and place the kneading blades on the metal shafts. Then, try turning the blades with your finger. Do they catch the shafts and make them rotate? If one or both doesn’t, it’s time to replace them.

Add Ingredients Didn’t Mix

Common Bread Baking Problems (6)

Cause: Typical of too much flour (or other dry ingredients) or not enough liquid.

Here’s what you can try doing to improve your loaf: Reducing your flour* or increasing your liquid. When the dough is too dry, add ingredients like nuts and raisins cannot penetrate the dough ball.

*The weight of a cup of flour can fluctuate significantly depending upon how the flour is measured. Using the measuring cup as a scooper, or pouring flour into the measuring cup will result in more of the ingredient being used than our recipes call for. You can reduce your flour using one of two methods:

  1. Volumetrically: Fluff your flour with a fork or a whisk to loosen it; then, spoon it into your nested measuring cups, and level off without tapping or shaking.
  2. By weight: Weigh your flour with a digital kitchen scale (128g/4.51oz per cup for bread flour; 120g/4.23 oz for whole wheat flour, and 125g/4.41oz for all purpose). This method yields the most consistent and optimal results, and conveniently cuts out the guesswork.

Still having trouble, or don’t see your baking problem listed here? Please contact our customer service team for assistance or give us a message on our Facebook.

Common Bread Baking Problems (7)

Zojirushi America Corporation

Treasuring Everyday Life


190 responses to “Common Bread Baking Problems”

  1. Common Bread Baking Problems (8)


    the last two pictures are reversed. You should try to fix this…


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (9)

      Hi Christina, thank you for catching this mistake on our end. We have corrected this error.


      1. Common Bread Baking Problems (10)


        You have a typo in the first paragraph… “…we steps can be taken”.

        “Let’s first make sure our ingredients are fresh, then explore some common bread baking problems, and we steps can be taken to correct them.”


        1. Common Bread Baking Problems (11)

          Thank you Jennifer for catching that! The typo has been corrected!


    2. Common Bread Baking Problems (12)

      Kathleen Ybarra

      I tried making a homemade course but it did not go the cycles.

      I set the course to 15 and the cycle time to 3.25 and then start.

      It got warm but never went through the cycles


      1. Common Bread Baking Problems (13)

        Hi Kathleen, it sounds like only the Rest cycle or the first cycle was set up. If that is the case the breadmaker will not go to knead, rise or bake. If you are having trouble setting up the HOMEMADE course, then please reach out to our Customer Service Team and they can walk you through it and help you set it up. Please call 1-800-733-6270 M-F from 8am to 5 pm PST or email


  2. Common Bread Baking Problems (14)


    Weighing the flour fixed my lopsided loaf problem.


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (15)

      Hi Darlene, that’s great to hear! Happy breadmaking 🙂


  3. Common Bread Baking Problems (16)


    My bread comes out with a white top while the sides and bottom are nicely brown. I thought it was because I used almond milk instead of powder milk (I was out of powder milk). Then I tried fat free hom*ogenized milk, and the same thing happened. What might be causing it?


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (17)

      Hi Michelle, our Customer Service department can definitely help you with this bread question! Please contact them at Thank you!


    2. Common Bread Baking Problems (18)

      mine turn out white on top too. Baking sour dough bread. Wish someone would give me a clue as to why. I have been sticking them in the broiler for a bit til they aren’t white. Still, shouldn”t the machine do that?


      1. Common Bread Baking Problems (19)

        Hi Carol! A pale top on a loaf may be due to a few reasons. If you own a BB-CEC20, then this is normal. This model doesn’t have a lid heater and so the tops of the loaves will tend to look a little lighter on the top. Now, if you own a BB-PDC20 or BB-PAC20 then this usually is caused by having an excess of flour which is something that can happen when baking sourdough. Usually the loaves will not rise above the edge of the pan to reach the lid heater properly. This can be remedied by measuring the ingredients by weight to ensure that the wet and dry ingredients are balanced. If you are already doing this, then please reach out to our knowledgeable Customer Support Team and they will be able to help!

        Zojirushi Customer Support


  4. Common Bread Baking Problems (20)

    Joe Porter

    The machine makes 2 loud popping noises. in the kneading cycle.


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (21)

      Hi Joe, we are sorry for this inconvenience. Please contact our Customer Service department at in regards to this matter. Thank you!


  5. Common Bread Baking Problems (22)

    Margaret Jylkka

    New machine(. Bb-HAC10… ingredients in- pan licked in- on dough cycle- start engaged …lid down-but no action( blade turning) in machine..????


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (23)

      Hi Margaret, we are sorry for this inconvenience. Please contact our Customer Service department at in regards to this matter. Thank you!


  6. Common Bread Baking Problems (24)

    Debbie Berger

    Help- our breads always come out with a yeast taste!! Is there a specific type of yeast we need to use with this bread machine? Do we need to proof the yeast before adding it?


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (25)

      Hi Debbie, please contact our Customer Service department in regards to this question – they are very knowledgeable with bread Q’s! You may reach them at Thank you!


      1. Common Bread Baking Problems (26)


        why don’t you answer it here everyone else can see the answer,. other then that these comments are worthless


        1. Common Bread Baking Problems (27)




          1. Common Bread Baking Problems (28)

            Catherine D Walsh

            That is so true, when the question is answered it’s so great to find out about the yeast.

        2. Common Bread Baking Problems (29)

          Yesenia Bloch



          1. Common Bread Baking Problems (30)


            Yes please! We are all here to find solutions to problems with this machine.

  7. Common Bread Baking Problems (31)

    Richard B Saunders

    My wife bought me a BB-CEC20 Supreme for Christmas. Initially I couldn’t get the bread to rise properly. After becoming more careful at measuring the four, changing flour, changing yeast, adding more yeast I finally was able pretty much solve the rise problem. My problem is that even with the crust set to dark, the bread is always quite pale in color. I tried the manual setting and followed the recipe for French bread, set the bake timer to 1h 10m, added and extra 1/2 tsp of yeast. The result was a reasonably shaped loaf (it could have risen a little more) but is was extremely pale in color. I am starting the think the machine is not getting up to the correct temperature (I live in Southern California so I don’t believe its an ambient temperature problem). Any ideas?


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (32)

      Hi Richard,

      We understand this problem must be frustrating! Our Customer Service department is knowledgeable with bread questions – send them an email directly at Thank you!


  8. Common Bread Baking Problems (33)

    Lynn Silvey

    My loaf sinks in the middle. I grind my own wheat and mix hard red and hard white. Any suggestions?


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (34)

      Hi Lynn, our Customer Service department can best answer any bread related Q’s! Please contact them at Thank you!


  9. Common Bread Baking Problems (35)


    I use same recipe every time. Some time the loaf comes out perfect other times either lopsided or with a cavity in one end. I am puzzled of the inconsistency. I am careful to measure accurately.


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (36)

      Hi Bettye, we recommend using a scale to weigh out ingredients for the best outcome. If you’re having further problems, please contact our Customer Service department at Thank you!


  10. Common Bread Baking Problems (37)

    Alok Bhargava

    I bought Zojirushi bread maker virtuoso plus. It’s LCD is hard to read. It seems it does not have back light. Is it a defect in my machine?



    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (38)

      Hi Alok, we are sorry for the inconvenience. Please send a message to our Customer Service team for better help. You may contact them at


    2. Common Bread Baking Problems (39)


      they don’t have a backlight. I don’t know why


  11. Common Bread Baking Problems (40)


    On the light setting, the bread is quite dark on all sides and a part of the top of the loaf. Please help. Thanks


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (41)

      Hi Paula, a loaf with inconsistent coloring can be the result of too much flour. We’d recommend weighing the ingredients for best results. Please let us know if the problem still persists, and we can think of other ways to remedy it! Happy baking!


      1. Common Bread Baking Problems (42)


        The recipe book that came with my machine only has measurements in cups, so how would I know what for example 1 1/2 cups of flour weighs?


        1. Common Bread Baking Problems (43)

          Hi Sandi, here’s our weight conversion guide.
          Please let us know if you have any other questions! Happy Baking!


  12. Common Bread Baking Problems (44)


    Our machine is 4 or 5 years old. Always use same recipe, etc. with perfect results. The last two batches both fell and looked wet with bubbles forming on top. Any suggestions? Good flour and yeast used. We love our machine and hopefully you have some suggestions for us.


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (45)

      Hi Jan,

      We can think of a few problems that may be causing the issue.

      1. The pan is too old and the shaft is not turning. Try testing the pan by turning the wing nut on the bottom side of the pan. If it’s hard to rotate, then the pan need to be replaced.

      2. The kneading blade is worn out. Try testing the kneading blade by putting it on the shaft and turning it with your fingers. If it turns freely and is not catching onto the shaft, the kneading blade(s) needs to be replaced.

      3. This is less likely since you’ve been using the same recipe, but if the parts have been recently replaced or do not show wear, then we would recommend to follow the recipe by weighing the ingredients. It has been pretty dry, so it’s possible the dough needs a bit more moisture too.

      Replacement parts can be purchased from our parts store here, but if you suspect other reasons, we’ll be happy to trouble shoot with you over the phone! 800-733-6270


      1. Common Bread Baking Problems (46)


        Thank you for these suggestions. I stopped using the recipe I had been using and when back to the basic Zojirushi recipe and it’s much better. Now the problem is it really rises a LOT! The top doesn’t brown because it has rose so much that it touches the top of the lid. Suggestions? The bread is wonderful … just too high.



        1. Common Bread Baking Problems (47)

          Hi Jan, we’re glad to hear it worked, at least partially! If it’s rising too much, we’d recommend reducing the yeast by 1/2 tsp. Hopes it helps!!


        2. Common Bread Baking Problems (48)


          Because I love the small Zojirushi, for our family of 2, I prefer now to only use the dough cycle, then knead the result and let any and all of my bread rise a final time in a bread pan and bake it in the oven. Perfect results. Never have liked the baked bread in the Zoji….though that may be because I don’t understand it enough.


  13. Common Bread Baking Problems (49)

    Sharad Patel

    My loaf came out a bit DRY and Powdery. How to overcome this problem in next baking?


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (50)

      Hi Sharad, it sounds like there wasn’t enough water to mix thoroughly. We recommend using a digital scale to measure your ingredients. Please let us know if it works!


      1. Common Bread Baking Problems (51)

        Sharad Patel

        I got a digital weigh scale and started weighing ALL ingredients (including water, milk, flour, butter, sugar, salt, gluten , yeast) .
        I added 5 gm of vital wheat gluten to 3 3/4 cups of all purpose flour (116 gms per cup
        , total 435 gms as per mainda – all pupose flour available in india) .
        The bread came out perfectly well.
        I noticed that in liquid measurements , we tend to fill up less than full cup , thereby short on water. So by weighing water the quantity comes very very precise . I recommend it..


  14. Common Bread Baking Problems (53)

    Richard Chasin

    We have had our BBCC-X20 breadmaker for a number of years now. More often than not the right side of the loaf slopes downward. Rarely do we get an even loaf. We have tried all suggestions you offer, and have researched this issue thoroughly. Could the paddles and the pan be the problem? The right side paddle seems to turn less easily than the left. Thanks for your thoughts and response in advance.


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (54)

      Hi Richard, from the description of your issue, it sounds as though one kneading blade may be stripped. Over time, depending on the usage of the bread machine, the baking pan and kneading blades will eventually acquire some wearing and would need to be replaced. Please check the kneading blades and see if they are indeed worn out.

      The kneading blades are designed to turn easily 1 to 2 inches in either direction around the shaft. If you turn the pan upside down and the kneading blades fall out, this is also normal. However, the blade should catch onto the shaft when you turn it with your finger, if it does not catch that is the indication that it is worn. Replacing the kneading blades would resolve this issue.

      Replacement parts for the BB-CCX20 bread maker can be viewed and purchased here.
      We hope this resolves the issue. If not, please reach out and we can try something else.


  15. Common Bread Baking Problems (55)

    Reuel Amdur

    We want to make bread, but it is very hard to find flour for bread. So we bought some gluten flour to add. We need to know how much to add to all-purpose flour for making a loaf.


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (56)

      Hi Reuel, if all you have is all-purpose flour, you can add an egg as part of the liquid, that will help it rise. You can also substitute 1 Tablespoon of flour with dough enhancer.

      Another alternative is to make your own bread flour with vital wheat gluten.
      1. Measure out 1 cup all-purpose flour (4 1/2 ounces or 129 grams).
      2. Remove 1 1/2 teaspoons (1/8 ounce or 4 grams).
      3. Add 1 1/2 teaspoons vital wheat gluten (1/8 ounce or 5 grams).
      4. Sift to combine.

      Please let us know if you have any other questions!


  16. Common Bread Baking Problems (57)

    Reuel Amdur

    Why do you ignore my question? How much gluten flour should I add to all-purpose to make a loaf of bread?


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (58)

      Sorry Reuel, we were a bit backed up with inquires over the long weekend. We hope our response helps, please let us know if you have any other questions!


    2. Common Bread Baking Problems (59)

      Sharad Patel

      Hello Reuel ,
      Here is something that I did to successfully solve my problem like yours:
      I use all purpose flour available in India ( called “Mainda” ) which contains 10.5 % protein. You need 12 to 13 % max protein in “bread flour”. We take (for calculating) gluten as pure 100% protein. So we need to add 1.5 % gluten by weight of bread flour to boost protein level to 12 % in the flour to bring it close to “bread flour”.
      Find out protein % in your all purpose flour, then add gluten (100 % protein) to boost protein content to 12 percentage. You can calculate yourself.
      Try not to exceed 12%.


  17. Common Bread Baking Problems (60)

    Kathy Prosser Bovard

    how to I turn on the REST cycle ion my Z bb-pac-20? Somehow, it says REST OFF when I try to use the regular bread cycle.


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (61)

      Hi Kathy, the REST cycle can be turned on or off by holding both TIME SETTING buttons as the same time for 3 seconds. Once REST OFF disappears, you’re good to go! Please let us know if you have any trouble turning it back on!


  18. Common Bread Baking Problems (62)

    Marco Dondi

    I have a BB-PDC20 breadmachine and was making perfect raised bread for more than a year, now my bread is not riasing well, I switch to brand new ingredients and still not raising. Some time it just do not raise and sometime it is like a loopside loaf but with very small raising


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (63)

      Hi Marco, sorry to hear you’re having trouble. A lopsided, short, and dense loaf is caused by the ratio between the water and flour not being balanced. We recommend to test the bread maker by baking a basic white bread while weighing the ingredients to ensure the ratios are balanced. If this does not improve the results then please contact customer service by emailing, and we can see if there is something wrong with the machine.


  19. Common Bread Baking Problems (64)

    Sharad Patel

    I made 2 times Basic Wheat Bread as per Zojiroshi book recipe, but my loaf is coming out sunken.
    I observed the dough many a times during the making and my observations are as under:
    During the kneading it came out very well round ball , soft , bouncy to touch with no sticking on fingers.
    At the end of first rise , dough rose very well , with round dome on top.
    During second and third rise also it rose well.
    At the end of third rise dough rose well about 80 percent level of the first rise.
    Then It started baking at that good rise level , and I thought now the loaf will come out that same Size.
    But during last leg of baking cycle the dough collapsed and then remained so till end of baking .
    Final result was a sunken loaf .


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (65)

      Hi Sharad, it sounds like your dough is over-proofing. Reduce your yeast by 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon to start with, and using cold water. If you see an improvement but it’s still not quite there, continue to reduce incrementally. Alternatively, you could try increasing salt, or decreasing your sugar or water. We hope this helps! Happy Baking!


  20. Common Bread Baking Problems (66)

    T Wilson

    My banana bread didn’t complete cooking. It was set to light crust per the instructions. How can I complete the cooking. It’ basically in the center of the bread.


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (67)

      Hello, we apologize for our delay in response. Leaving the bread maker on KEEP WARM after the course has completed can allow the residual heat to continue “baking” the loaf. Unfortunately there is no way to extend the bake time, unless you customize your HOME MADE menu course.

      If you plan to put your loaf in a conventional oven afterwards, please be advised you should not use the bread maker baking pan. The higher heat can damage the gaskets of the baking pan. We would advise to transfer the loaf into a different loaf pan. We hope this helps the next time you try the cake course!


  21. Common Bread Baking Problems (68)

    Sharad Patel

    I live in India. I have Zojirushi bread machine model BBCQ – Q20. This rather old model but I have been happily using it for many years. I need to replace drive Belt of this machine.
    Since it not possible to get replacement belt from Zojirushi service center here as there is no service center here, I like to know details of the belt such as peripheral length, widh , number of teeth , etc. If I get such information , I can find a suitable replacement belt locally. I am willing to take my chances.
    Can you please give me details of drive belt for this machine ?
    Sharad Patel


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (69)

      Hi Sharad, the model BBCQ-Q20 is not a Zojirushi America product. Unfortunately, we don’t have any information on international models. Please try contacting our international office in Japan. They should be able help. Thank you! h


      1. Common Bread Baking Problems (70)

        Sharad Patel

        Thanks for your prompt and precise guidance.
        I have put up my request to international development.


  22. Common Bread Baking Problems (71)

    Debbie Baldwin

    I have a BB-PAC20. Everything was fine until the last few loaves. The dough is not mixing well and only partially rising. I’m using the same recipe as always, but one of the mixing blades actually lifts off the post and stays inside the loaf.


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (72)

      Hi Debbie,

      We can think of a few problems that may be causing the issue.

      1. The pan is too old and the shaft is not turning. Try testing the pan by turning the wing nut on the bottom side of the pan. If it’s hard to rotate, then the pan needs to be replaced.

      2. The kneading blade is worn out. Try testing the kneading blade by putting it on the shaft and turning it with your fingers. If it turns freely and is not catching onto the shaft, the kneading blade(s) needs to be replaced.

      Either of these will cause the undermixing of the dough.

      Replacement parts can be purchased from our parts store here, but if you suspect other reasons, we’ll be happy to trouble shoot with you over the phone! 800-733-6270


  23. Common Bread Baking Problems (73)

    Catherine Young

    What is the correct way to position the kneading blades. Both pointing in the same direction? each pointing in the opposite direction, outward ? Each pointing inward toward each other ?


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (74)

      Hi Catherine, angle placement of the paddles do not affect the bread results. Attach kneading blades to the rotating shaft and push down firmly, this is all that is needed to ensure it is secure. Please let us know if you have any more questions!


      1. Common Bread Baking Problems (75)

        Korey Laughead

        In response to blade angle positioning


        1. Common Bread Baking Problems (76)

          Hi Korey, thank you for sharing this review with us! As we mention on this post, a lopsided loaf is caused by dough that is a bit dry. We have tested this multiple times and the position of the kneading blades will not affect how the dough rises as long as they are secure. Oftentimes if one kneading blade is not secure, then it may miss a few rotations, will not knead the dough well, and can cause this outcome. We recommend to always make sure they are securely attached and to measure the ingredients by weight. All of the other tips mentioned in his review are great and will help!


  24. Common Bread Baking Problems (77)


    Hi, I am having a problem with the bread being too brown on the left side. The bread tastes great but would like even browning on top. Any suggestions? It rises perfectly and there are no other issues.


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (78)

      Hi Dennis, there are a couple of things that can help with uneven browning.
      1. Measure the ingredients by weight. This will prevent any rising or baking issues and ensure consistent results.
      2. Reduce the amount of sugar by no more than a tablespoon for a 2 lbs. recipe. Sugar helps with the browning of the loaf as well as feeding the yeast.

      Please try these suggestions and if you need additional assistance, please contact us: Zojirushi Customer Service


  25. Common Bread Baking Problems (79)

    Helen Burton

    Hi, I just got a Virtuoso Plus BB-PDC20. When making white and wheat bread, should I be using “RapidRise Yeast” or “Bread Machine Yeast” ? If “RapidRise” is the recommendation, then the question is can I use “Bread Machine Yeast” and if so, what adjustments might be needed to the recipes and/or how might it change the result? I have a few jars of “Fleischmanns Bread Machine Yeast” that I’d like to use up versus just throwing out.


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (80)

      Hi Helen, “Fleischmann’s Bread Machine Yeast” may be used as Rapid Rise yeast. The same amounts may be used, no need for adjustments. I hope this helps!


  26. Common Bread Baking Problems (81)



    Was using my bread maker to make pizza dough- the left blade would not turn and the right blade Struggled then stopped turning once the dough was starting to mix. I did the blade test and the blades do catch after about a quarter turn. Is there something else I can troubleshoot to get it to mix properly?


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (82)

      Hi Rusty, please try running the breadmaker without the baking pan. Once it starts kneading take a look through the viewing window to see if the couplings are rotating. If they are then test the baking pan by rotating the wing nuts underneath. If they give you any resistance then the pan is worn and will need replacement. Replacement parts may be purchased on our parts & accessories shop here
      For further assistance, please contact our Customer Support.


  27. Common Bread Baking Problems (83)

    Elena Mischenkov

    I started to have a problem with a blade recently. It would rotate freely with out ingredients. If I load ingredients it would be rotating till the mixture reaches sticky ball stage .At that point it stops. If I lift a dough, the blade would start rotating again.


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (84)

      Hi Elena, it sounds like the kneading blade is showing signs of wear and will likely need replacement soon. Over time and use the kneading blades and baking pan will experience wear and would need replacement. Please visit our parts and accessories page to order or view replacement parts: Zojirushi Parts & Accessories Breadmakers
      Please let us know if you have any questions!


  28. Common Bread Baking Problems (85)


    Zojirushi BB-PDC20 Virtuoso Plus Bread Machine.
    In weighing the flour on my kitchen scale for the Rustic Herb bread and the Cranberry/Walnut bread the flour calls for 4-1/4 cups bread flour @ 553g. I scoop the flour in the cup with a spoon and level off with a knife. I’m finding 4 cups to equal 553g; adding the 1/4 cup comes out to 587. I aerate the flour prior to measuring. I use King Arthur Bread and All-Purpose flours. Any suggestions?


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (86)

      Hi CA, thank you for your question! When measuring by cup, each cup of flour will weigh differently because it will contain a different volume of flour each time it’s filled. For this reason, it’s best to measure the ingredients by weight because it will always be the most accurate measurement. Since you are measuring by weight, then it’s best to ignore the cup measurements and just go by the weight measurements listed in the recipe. I hope this helps! Let us know if you have any questions!


  29. Common Bread Baking Problems (87)

    Nadia Rybakova

    I’ve got my bread machine as a present. I tried several times different recipes from your book, but I didn’t get a single decent loaf. All of them had white top while the sides and bottom are nicely brown. Also they didn’t bake through thoroughly and are too doughy.
    I’ve sent an email to the support, but didn’t get any response.


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (88)

      Hi Nadia, it sounds like the dough may be a bit dense and the heat is not able to penetrate the center. If the top of the loaf is not rising above the edge of the pan, then that is another sign that the dough is a bit heavy as well. Please try weighing your ingredients, as this method will ensure that the exact amount of ingredients is used and should improve your results. We apologize that you have not received a response from our Customer Support team. They reply to inquiries in the order they are received and will most likely reply soon. Please give our suggestion a try and let us know if you have any more questions!


  30. Common Bread Baking Problems (89)

    Sankar Swaminathan

    I have an older Zogirushi machine BBCC-V20. It seems to be working fine. It has not been used very much. But I notice one paddle turns very slowly while kneading whereas the one on the left turns fast. The dough ball seems to be all on the left side while kneading. Is this how it is supposed to operate, or is the right paddle not working properly?


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (90)

      Hello Sankar, based on the age of the model, the issue could be caused by a worn pan or kneading blades. First test the kneading blades taking the pan out of the breadmaker and inserting the kneading blades, then turn them. The kneading blades should hook onto the shafts on the pan and turn with them. Please test the pan by turning the wingnuts underneath the pan as well. If the wingnuts are hard to turn, then the pan will need replacement. Replacement parts for your model are available on our Parts & Accessories page.
      Please let us know if you have any more questions!


  31. Common Bread Baking Problems (91)

    Hello, Is there a setting for cooking the bread a little longer when it dosen’t get done the first time?


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (92)

      Hi Kimberly, the baking time cannot be extended once the course has started and it would be best to finish the loaf in the oven using an oven-safe pan. We would recommend using the HOMEMADE feature and extend the baking time when setting up the course. If you need assistance setting the HOMEMADE setting, please reach out to our Customer Support at 1-800-733-6270 and a representative will be happy to walk you through it.


  32. Common Bread Baking Problems (93)


    I just got our new BB-PDC20 bread machine and after using course 11 and still in rise mode errors out 02 error with alarm. Tried it twice with same results
    Any suggestions !!?


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (94)

      Hello Tracy, please reach out to our Customer Support for assistance with this error code. They will be happy to walk you through any troubleshooting or suggestions to resolve the issue.
      Zojirushi Customer Support


  33. Common Bread Baking Problems (95)


    For your Gluten free bread recipe have you ever used white rice flour instead of brown rice flour


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (96)

      Hello Judy, the brown rice flour can be substituted for white rice flour. The flavor of the bread will be different since brown rice has a nuttier flavor. You just want to make sure the same quantities are used. Please let us know if you have any more questions!


  34. Common Bread Baking Problems (97)

    Joann Bodnar

    This is not a problem but I hope a helpful hint. Occasionally the paddles get very stuck in the finished loaf of bread and after nicking my paddles by using a sharp knife tip to pry them out I realized there has to be a better solution. The next time it happened I inserted a small plastic crochet hook into the paddle hole and it popped the stuck paddle out easily. Perhaps you could devise a tool of this type to include with the breadmaker.


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (98)

      Hi Joann, if the kneading blade is stuck inside the bread after baking, then it’s best to use chopsticks or a plastic or rubber utensil to extract it. Using a knife may cause knicks or scratched on the kneading blade. We hope this helps!


  35. Common Bread Baking Problems (99)


    I had that oroblem a coupke of times with my BB-PDC20, and have a method that works every time if you have a little patience.

    Immediately after removing the loaf, fill the bread pan with very hot water about two-thirds full, and put it aside. After a couple of hours, the water will be cool enough to put your hands in. Grab the paddle from the bottom, turn and pull, turn and pull until it comes out. If a paddle is still stubborn, repeat.



    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (100)


      I let the bread pan cool to room temperature first, then i fill with hot water and let it sit for a bit.

      poring water in pan while hot, will cause it to cool faster on the inside of the metal compared to the hot outside, this rapid shrinkage, can cause the coating to crack eventually on the pan


  36. Common Bread Baking Problems (101)


    Hi I have a BB-PDC20, and recently have had issues with the bread.
    I’m using fresh ingredients on course 2 (Whole wheat)
    buy the end of the cycle, after the Keep warm cycle the bread is risen beautifully but it is not cooked properly.
    I pull it out and it collapses because it isn’t cooked all the way through? I have to put it in the oven to cook again.
    any help with this issue would be great as it is happening no with every loaf, and I haven’t changed my recopy in months


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (102)

      Hi Ed, oftentimes a loaf may collapse if there isn’t enough gluten, there is an imbalance in the salt/sugar/yeast ratios, or if the liquids are preheated. We always recommend using fresh ingredients and bake a test loaf by following a Basic White bread recipe or a Basic Wheat recipe. It’s important to not make any adjustments or replacements in the ingredients for this test, use cold/room temperature water, and if possible measure the ingredients by weight. Usually, this will resolve the issue. However, if you are still experiencing difficulties then please reach out to our Customer Support by emailing and provide them with your test results. We hope this helps!


  37. Common Bread Baking Problems (103)


    I have had my bread maker for three years and have yet to get one good loaf of bread. I put it away for awhile, then try to think positively – get it out and put it to use, only to be disappointed again.
    I have tried multiple recipes in the book that came with my machine.
    I’m about ready to take it to Goodwill.


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (104)

      Hello JK, we are sorry to hear you are experiencing difficulties with your breadmaker. Most often baking issues may be experienced if ingredients are not fresh or if there is an imbalance between the wet and dry ingredients. We recommend first trying a bake test following the Basic White recipe and use a kitchen scale to measure the ingredients. In most cases, doing this will yield a good resulting loaf. However, if further assistance is needed then please reach out to our Customer Support at and they will be able to provide you with further assistance.
      We hope this helps!


  38. Common Bread Baking Problems (105)

    Karen Riordan

    I have a model BBC-X20 Bread Machine and have been very happy with it. It still works very well, however, the finish on the paddles and the bottom of the pan is peeling off. I understand the machine is so old that the parts are no longer available – unfortunately. Is the finish toxic if ingested?


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (106)

      Hi Karen, the materials we use are carefully selected and tested. The baking pan and kneading blades have a non-stick coating containing PTFE- a material commonly used for non-stick coating in cookware for conventional kitchen use (FDA approved). If the coating is worn, then it’s best to replace these parts. Although the BBCC-X20 has been discontinued for some time, replacement baking pan and kneading blades are available for purchase on our Parts & Accessories page. Please let us know if you have any more questions!


  39. Common Bread Baking Problems (107)


    I have the Virtuoso Plus machine. Can I substitute White Whole Wheat Flour for regular Whole Wheat Flour? Any adjustments to the recipe necessary? Would I use the Whole Wheat Course Setting? Thank you


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (108)

      Hi Todd, white whole wheat flour may be used for regular whole wheat flour. Please use a whole wheat flour recipe along with the corresponding setting. For the best and consistent results, measure the ingredients by weight. We hope this helps!


  40. Common Bread Baking Problems (109)


    Attempted to make your Half & Half (whole wheat/white) bread recipe…

    I have the Virtuoso Plus machine, and used weight rather than volume measures. The loaf ended up partially collapsed on top. Under your troubleshooting section, possible causes include too much water. I noticed that this “half & half” recipe has more water per cup (and gram) of flour than either the Basic White, or Whole Wheat bread recipes. This seems a bit odd to me. You would think the water to flour ratio would be somewhere in between the two (whole wheat/white) recipes. Is the amount of water correct for this recipe? Thanks.


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (110)

      Hi Todd, sometimes a loaf may sink if the salt or sugar amounts have been modified or if the water is too warm. If using kosher salt, then it’s best to measure it by weight for accurate measurement since the granules are much larger than table salt. Also, if the weather is warming up in your area, then please try using cold water for baking, as it will help regulate the rising of the yeast and prevent collapse. Please reach out to our Customer Support if you need additional assistance, they will be happy to help!

      Zojirushi Customer Support


  41. Common Bread Baking Problems (111)

    Cheri Dietzman

    Just got my new Zojirushi Virtuoso and tried one of YOUR recipes in the included book — I believe the recipe has errors! Cinnamon Roll bread, page 30.
    Recipe instructs Shaping bread on step 3 then preparing dough and placing prepped dough (cinnamon rolled style) in the baking pan to bake. If I follow the instructions as printed there is no rise and punch down steps. Someone please help!


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (112)

      Hi Cheri, at the top of the page the suggested cycle times can be found which should be used to program the breadmaker using the HOMEMADE feature. The course should be programmed to have 3 rising cycles as suggested. This recipe works best without a punch down since the dough is shaped. If you need further assistance, please reach out to our customer support by emailing
      We hope this helps!


  42. Common Bread Baking Problems (113)


    I purchased the Zujirushi bread maker HAC10 a few weeks before and now the teflon coat of paddle blade is peeled. However the replacement part on the website is out of stock. Do you know when it will be in stock? Could I continue to use my machine during this period? Thanks a lot!


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (114)

      Hi Sarah, thank you for reaching out! Please contact our Customer Service Team for assistance with the kneading blade. Zojirushi Customer Service
      Please note, over time and with the usage of the bread machine, the baking pan and kneading blades will eventually wear out and would need to be replaced. Nicks and peeling do not affect the functioning of the bread maker. Hope this helps!


  43. Common Bread Baking Problems (115)

    Ric Bizzoco

    I have a Zojirushi BBCC-S15A bread machine that won’t work because the baking pan pops up when it starts to mix.I replaced the wire holders for the pan at the top and it still pops up when the cycle begins to mix. Everythoing else is OK. The baking pan is new and worked before this started I had used the new pan only a few times. What can I do if anything to stop the pop-up caused by the driver below and a lack of the pan to remain in place when the driver starts to turn the mixing paddle.. The pan mixing paddle spins freely and does not bind even when it is spun by hand..When the driver contacts the paddle below the pan instead of turning the paddle it pops up the baking pan.


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (116)

      Hi Ric, if the kneading blade no longer engages with the pan when it’s being turned manually then it indicates that it’s worn. Now, if the pan is not staying in place inside the breadmaker and it’s a new pan then it sounds like the receptacle on the bottom would require repairs. Unfortunately, the BBCC-S15A has been discontinued for about 20 years and we no longer have replacement parts available to be able to repair it. We apologize for the inconvenience.


      1. Common Bread Baking Problems (117)

        Ric Bizzoco

        I received a new machine BBCE C20. that should fill in my needs for a while,


  44. Common Bread Baking Problems (118)


    Made banana bread in my Zojirushi Virtuoso today. It finished baking and smells good. However, I did the toothpick test to see if done in center. Toothpick came out looking clean but sticky. Should I leave it in the machine while it is still quite warm to finish baking?


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (119)

      Hi Millie, thank you for your question! The residual heat during Keep Warm may finish the baking process if the toothpick was not too sticky. However, if the bread was not baked through, it’s best to transfer it to an oven-safe baking pan and finish baking it in the regular oven. As always, we recommend measuring the ingredients by weight in the case that the loaf was too dense or too wet. Please let us know if you have any more questions!


  45. Common Bread Baking Problems (120)

    Rabia Calloway

    Hello! I purchased a Home Bakery Supreme®
    Breadmaker BB-CEC20 I used it for dough and bread it works fine. But when I tried to use it for cake I noticed that none of the lower courses work (Jam, Cake, Sour Dough starter) That means I can select only the top courses. Any suggestions?!


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (121)

      Hi Rabia, sometimes the bottom arrow may be hidden by a shadow depending on where the unit is placed on a counter. Please try pressing the SELECT COURSE button until you see 1:20 on your display. This will indicate the JAM course, the arrow may be directly behind the menu setting on the display. If you need any assistance with this, please reach out to our Customer Service Team by emailing


  46. Common Bread Baking Problems (122)


    Thank you very much for your help. I followed your instructions and I see 1:20 for jam then 2:00 when I press again that must be for cake. Thank you so much!!


  47. Common Bread Baking Problems (123)


    Hi, the blade on my bread machine is always stuck to the shaft after baking because of the dough get in between. Is that normal?


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (124)

      Hi Carol, great question! Yes, that may happen when baking. If you are having trouble removing the kneading blades, then please try filling the pan with warm soapy water and set it on the counter for 30 minutes or so. This should soften up the dough under the kneading blades. Please let us know if you have any questions.


  48. Common Bread Baking Problems (125)


    Helo, my bread maker can only knead the dough but it can’t cook, that’s the dough comes out white…am so worried because it’s still new, less than a year old


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (126)

      Hi Matlotliso, first we recommend to check if the bread maker has the correct current time. If you are using a course that bakes and you end up with a completely raw ball of dough when the course is completed, then the bread maker will need to be inspected by an authorized service center. Please reach out to our helpful Customer Support Team by calling 1-800-733-6270 or email and they will be able to assist you further.


  49. Common Bread Baking Problems (127)

    Marija Fabek

    I am using the exact amount of ingredients for my bread maker as the receipt ask, but my my bread is after two trying sour. Why?


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (128)

      Hello Marija, if you are having any difficulties with baking in your breadmaker please reach out to our helpful Customer Service Team and they have help you troubleshoot it. Please let them know the model number, recipe you are following, and the issue you are experiencing: Zojirushi Customer Service


  50. Common Bread Baking Problems (129)


    Hello! My machine is kneading during the rise cycle. Machine is set appropriately. Any tips?



    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (130)

      Hi Marti, the breadmaker will “punch down” the dough during the second and third rise. The kneading blades will rotate a few times to get rid of large air bubbles which helps the texture of the bread. This is normal. Please let us know if you have any more questions!


  51. Common Bread Baking Problems (131)

    Shelley Carda

    Got a BBSSC10 and the basic White Bread was beautiful and tasty and thoroughly baked, but very, very soft. I live at 5000 ft altitude above sea level, so how much flour should I be increasing in the recipes?


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (132)

      Hi Shelley, our breadmakers are tested to function at altitudes of up to 5000 ft. When baking at higher altitudes, the most common issue is that the dough rises too high and sinks at the end or it doesn’t rise high enough. The first thing to do is to always use a kitchen scale to measure the ingredients and depending on the outcome you get, then some adjustments to the water, salt and yeast may be needed. If you are getting good results, then it’s best to follow the recipe as is without making any adjustments. Please let us know if you have any other questions!


  52. Common Bread Baking Problems (133)


    The kneading blades come off and get stripped easily. This is my third time buying them. I ensure that I soak and properly clean the pan but the blade still comes off at times and gets stripped. It is very frustrating.


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (134)

      Hi Ana, the kneading blades will wear over time and use and if the breadmaker is used often then it will experience faster rate of wear. They are designed to be removed after every use for cleaning as well. Sometimes, if the dough is on the drier side, it may make it difficult for the kneading blades to knead and may even cause the kneading blades to slip up on the rotating shaft on the pan. We recommend to always weight the ingredients to ensure consistent results and not cause premature wear on the parts. If you are still experiencing difficulties with you breadmaker, please reach out to our knowledgeable Customer Service Team


  53. Common Bread Baking Problems (135)


    Based on how lame your answers are I’m not going to even consider buying one of your bread makers!


  54. Common Bread Baking Problems (136)


    Hi. My question is about the bread tearing on top or from the top-side when finished baking. At the final rise, it all looks nice and smooth, but as it bakes, it tears. I have tried increasing water by 1-2 TBS, but that doesn’t really do anything. I’ve used warm water. I’ve also tried reducing flour a little.

    The bread tastes fine, but sometimes the tear creates a “muffin top” that falls off as you slice the bread.

    What else do you recommend I try? Should I reduce yeast?


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (137)

      Hi AD, it appears that you have been trying our suggestions listed here and if they haven’t resolved the issue it would be best to reach out to our Customer Service Team. They are very knowledgeable about bread baking and can troubleshoot the issue with you. Please call 1-800-733-6270 or email


  55. Common Bread Baking Problems (138)


    Can I make a 1- lb or 1.5 lb loaf in my Zo PDC20 machine instead of the 2 lb loaf.??? Can I simply cut the recipe in half ?


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (139)

      Hi Jeanne, the BB-PDC20 can bake a 1.5 lb. recipe. A smaller recipe will not be kneaded or baked properly. We hope this helps!


  56. Common Bread Baking Problems (140)


    My bread comes out with a good crust, but the top section of the bread is crumbly and the bottom section of the bread is too dense. I have a BB-HAC10 1lb bread machine.

    What can I do?


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (141)

      Hello Ann, it sounds like the dough is not kneaded well. This could either be caused by a dough that is a little dry or by a kneading blade that is showing wear. If you are measuring ingredients using measuring cups then please try weighing the ingredients to see if resolves the issue. If you are already doing so, please call our Customer Service Team and they can help you with testing kneading blades and baking pan to see if they are showing wear. Please reach to our Customer Service Team by calling 1-800-733-6270 or email


  57. Common Bread Baking Problems (142)


    I recently purchased the Zojirushi BB-PDC20. Does Zojirushi have a recipe for a 1.5 lb. basic white bread
    loaf? Thank you.


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (143)

      Hello Reba, the recipe book has a Mini White Bread recipe on page 33 that is a smaller version of the regular White Bread Recipe. Please let us know if you have any questions!


  58. Common Bread Baking Problems (144)


    I have a BB-SSC10 which used to make beautiful bread – but for the past year, every loaf I make seems to refuse to rise properly on the final rise cycle.

    I’ve tried everything – high protein flour, warmer water, fresh yeast, more salt, less salt, more sugar, less sugar.

    I’m extremely frustrated and wondering whether or not the temperature of the kitchen (70 degrees F / 21 C) might be a factor. It’s not economic to heat the home warmer, but should I possibly program the same course in HOMEMADE setting and try lengthening the final rise time?

    If so, could you provide the precise HOMEMADE settings that would correspond to course 1 (white bread) and course 4 (wheat bread) on the BB-SSC10 so that I may program them and adjust the final rise time?


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (145)

      Hello Kevin, our first recommendation is to weigh ingredients with a kitchen scale if you have been using measuring cups. High protein flour requires a little more water than bread flour and could potentially yield a short and dense bread if the adjustment is not made. Reducing the salt or adding more sugar would help the yeast become more active but it can cause the bread to sink at the final rise. Please try the first suggestion if you are not weighing the ingredients and it should help with the issue. However, if you are already doing so please reach out to our Customer Support Team and provide them with more details like recipe used, type of flour used, any adjustments made, and photos of the loaf if you have any available (this is very helpful at identifying the cause of a dense loaf). Please call 1-800-733-6270 or email Our team is very knowledgeable and will help you get back to baking good loaves!


  59. Common Bread Baking Problems (146)


    Hello, Why is there such a long rest period when you first start a cycle? I tried to turn it off using the directions you gave someone above – hold both Time Setting buttons for 3 seconds. That did not turn it off. I’m using a brand new BB-PDC20. Are those the correct directions for my model? It really seems like a big waste of time. I’ve had other bread machines and none of them required doing nothing for the first 25 minutes. Thank you for your assistance!


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (147)

      Hi Jean, when turning off the Rest cycle you must make sure it’s done before pressing the start button. If the start button is on then it will not turn it off. The REST cycle is designed to bring all the ingredients to the best temperature for kneading and baking. This cycle is very helpful in winter or when the environment’s temperature gets too cold or hot. The temperature of the ingredients is very important since it will affect how well it rises. Please let us know if you have any questions!


  60. Common Bread Baking Problems (148)


    I have a BB-PAC20 and tried the Banana Bread recipe in the cookbook. The loaf came out completely underbaked. I followed the recipe exactly. Is there a way to alter the cake setting to allow for a longer baking time?


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (149)

      Hi Kathryn, if the baking time needs adjustment, then a new customized course can be set using the HOMEMADE setting. You will want to copy all the cycles under the CAKE course and adjust the baking time. The cake course bakes for 70 minutes so you can set up the baking time for up to 90 minutes in the HOMEMADE. Please note, that most often when under baking is experienced it may be due to the cake or loaf being a bit dense. This can often be resolved by measuring all ingredients by weight and usually a new course doesn’t need to be used. Please let us know if you have any other questions!


  61. Common Bread Baking Problems (150)


    During the second knead cycle the machine gives two loud knocks. It doesn’t seem to bother the function. Where do thes knocks come from?


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (151)

      Hi Dave, at the start of the second rise there should be a punch down which will make a noise for a few seconds. If the noise you are hearing is not the breadmaker kneading the dough slightly during punch down, then please contact our Customer Support Team and they will be able to assist you with troubleshooting.


  62. Common Bread Baking Problems (152)

    Steven J Smith

    I bought my Zojirushi one year ago. The French Bread rose so much it almost pushed up the lid. It was light and fluffy with a crunchy crust. I made a loaf recently that turned out low and dense. I bought new yeast and bread flour, but just got the same results. The first 4 hours I can barely feel any heat from the machine. In the last hour, the heat is high. Is my machine broken?


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (153)

      Hi Steven, it is normal for the breadmaker to not be hot until it gets to the baking cycle. Most often whenever a loaf is short and dense is due to the loaf being a bit dry. This can happen when measuring the ingredients by volume with measuring cups. It makes it really easy to pack the cup with flour which in turn adds too much of it and there isn’t enough water for the extra flour. We always recommend to measure ingredients using a kitchen scale since it will yield consistent results. However, if a kitchen scale is not available please try fluffing the flour with a fork or a whisk and then carefully spoon in the flour into the measuring cups and level off without tapping or shaking the cup. This will usually resolve any inconsistent results but if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our Customer Service Team. They would love to help!


  63. Common Bread Baking Problems (154)


    The bread maker never started to bake, course 1 made beautiful dough but never heard up. Said done but it’s not.


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (155)

      Hi Nate! It’s very unusual for a breadmaker not to bake when it’s programed to do so. However, if it said complete on the display and the course used was not on course 11, then please reach out to our Customer Service Team and they can assist you further with troubleshooting: Zojirushi Customer Service


  64. Common Bread Baking Problems (156)

    thomas boyd

    How far off the baking pan do the mixing blades sit.


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (157)

      Hi Thomas, there is about 1/8 of an inch of space between the kneading blade and the baking pan on the bottom. They don’t sit completely flush against the pan. Hope this helps!


  65. Common Bread Baking Problems (158)


    One of the paddles in my breadmaker has stopped turning. It spins easily by hand, but it’s not catching on the spinning wheels under the pan.

    The problem isn’t with the paddle itself. Swapping the paddles doesn’t solve it. Turning the pan around doesn’t solve it either.

    The problem is with the connection between the paddle shaft and the spinning wheels.

    Any suggestions please? Thanks.


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (159)

      Hi Mark, it sounds like you already tried replacing the kneading blades so that indicates that the rotating shafts on the pan are worn and are no longer turning. This means that the baking pan needs to be replaced. We have replacement pans available on our Parts & Accessories shop. Just select your model from the list to view all available parts. Please let us know if you have any questions!


  66. Common Bread Baking Problems (160)


    These answers are so important to know for the novice bread maker but, I have a.torn rotator cuff and when making the rolls I love, I have a problem kneading it as long as I like. I don’t however, know how to just the knead option in the machine and then remove the dough. Can you help me?


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (161)

      Hi Honey, most often we would recommend using the dough setting in the breadmaker and then once the machine is done, take out the dough and shape it. Then allow it to rise one last time before baking. Now, if you have a recipe that needs a customized course, then it’s best to use the HOMEMADE setting if your breadmaker has this setting. Our Customer Service Team would be happy to walk you on the set up of the course with you over the phone if you call our line 1-800-733-6270 or email

      We hope this is of help! Please let us know if you have any questions.


  67. Common Bread Baking Problems (162)

    Eric Scott

    My bread maker won’t turn on I have bought the adapter to convert it from polarized to Australia it’s not turning on


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (163)

      Hi Eric, we are so sorry to hear that! Our electric products are designed to be used in the US and Canada only. Usually when used abroad a malfunction may be experienced due to the voltage difference even when using a transformer. This sort of malfunction would require the breadmaker being inspected and repaired at an authorized service center, which we have available in the US and Canada only. We apologize for the inconvenience.


  68. Common Bread Baking Problems (164)

    Pamela Haymond

    Hi, my bread maker has been working beautifully then all of the sudden the bread won’t rise in it and I get a dense short loaf. I’m using the recipes from the Zojirushi book. Freshly bought yeast and flour. I stick to the recipe to the letter and it’s produced gorgeous loaves. I did notice the rise doesn’t seem to get very warm. How do I check the temperature? Thanks so much


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (165)

      Hi Pamela, sorry to hear you’re having trouble. You may be able to check the temperature if your model has the Home Made setting. Our customer service team would be happy to walk you through the process if you don’t mind giving them a call at 800-733-6270. They may be able to identify other issues that may be affecting the outcome as well. Thank you!


  69. Common Bread Baking Problems (166)


    My zojirush pac 20 won’t start the cycle. The power comes on, the settings beep etc but the cycle won’t start. I unplugged it and replugged but still won’t work. Any suggestions?


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (167)

      Hi Marie, if the start light lights up that means that the breadmaker is working on the course and is likely working on the REST cycle. If the light doesn’t turn on at all, or if you don’t see anything on the screen when you plug it in, then that would indicate that there is an internal malfunction and that if would need to be inspected by an authorized service center. Based on what you have shared, it’s likely to be on the REST cycle where it brings all the ingredients to the same temperature and it would just need about 30 minutes for it to move on to the KNEADING cycle.

      If you need additional assistance, please reach out to our Customer Service Team and they would be happy to troubleshoot the breadmaker with you


  70. Common Bread Baking Problems (168)


    hi could you provide some quick bread recipe for BB-KWQ10 (e.g., walnut, pumpkin, cranberry, chocolate, earl grey bread) that uses quick bake setting? thanks!


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (169)

      Hi Michelle, the BB-KWQ10 is not a Zojirushi America model so we don’t have any recipes for this particular model. You are more than welcome to peruse our breadmaker recipes for some inspiration.

      If you live outside of the US and Canada, you can also reach out to your local Zojirushi branch for more information on your breadmaker:


  71. Common Bread Baking Problems (170)

    Susan Greenberg

    I have a new bb-cec20 machine, and for the most part I am happy with it. However, when the baking is done, the kneeding paddles refuse to release when I try to get the bread out of the pan. The last two times, I removed the paddles after the second rise and the bread still doesn’t release (I twist the wing nuts underneath, and it doesn’t seem to help much). I have to use a plastic spatula to slide down the sides of the bread pan and push on the sides to lift it slightly. What is causing this, and how can I improve the removal without extreme effort?


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (171)

      Hi Susan, depending on the age of the baking pan it may be that the nonstick coating is starting to show signs of wear. One thing some customers will do is add the butter on the bottom along with the liquids to help release the bread. Twisting the wing nuts underneath is will only help release the bread when the kneading blades are attached. For better assistance, please reach out to our Customer Service Team and they will be able to troubleshoot the issue better with you:


  72. Common Bread Baking Problems (172)

    Pearlyn Tan

    tried adding pumpkin cube and orange peel to my bread..the added ingredient all sink to the bottom instead of being evenly distribute. any help/advices are appreciated.


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (173)

      Hi Pearlyn, if added ingredients are heavy they will tend to sink, so we recommend to chop them up and add them in handfuls after the add beeps sounds. When you hear the beep, open the lid and add a small handful then close the lid to let it mix for a few seconds and repeat until all the added ingredients are in the pan. If you need additional help, you can always reach out to our Customer Service Team and they will be happy to provide help!


  73. Common Bread Baking Problems (174)


    I have the BB-PDC20 model. Using setting 1 with weighed ingredients. My bread turns out well shaped. The internal bread is a terrific texture and moisture. But the crusts are very hard to chew, even though I have the crust set to ‘light’.

    Additionally, the top crust is not smooth and attractive. It has stretched areas, rather than a normal smooth surface. It is terribly crumbly to cut as well.


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (175)

      Hi Kevin, that is rather unusual. Please reach out to our Customer Support Team, and they will be able to troubleshoot and figure out what is causing the crust to be hard and crumbly. It would help if you provide them with more details as to the recipe used, any substitutions made, and if you have any photos handy, please share them! It will help them figure out the issue faster:


  74. Common Bread Baking Problems (176)

    Maricar Roslyn Barnshaw


    May I ask what is the difference between buying the SSC10 vs. SSC10WZ? I just bought the SSC10 for my diabetic mother in Amazon TODAY so she could use it to make whole wheat bread. I noticed that there was a more than USD100++ difference between the SSC10 vs. SSC10WZ. May I just know what is the difference between the two and how does it affect performance in terms of making bread? For my mother, I was thinking more of gluten free bread and whole wheat bread. Does buying the old version affect the types of bread that I am looking for my mother? Hoping to get a response please as this is an important query.


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (177)

      Good morning, they are both the same model, the WZ is the color code. Sometimes the model number is listed with the color code (BB-SSC10WZ) and sometimes without (BB-SSC10). Please let us know if you have any other questions!


  75. Common Bread Baking Problems (178)


    I have a BB_PDC20
    what is the baking temperature of this machine
    PS…wonderful machine!!!


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (179)

      Hi there! We don’t have the exact temperature it will bake but it is much lower than what you would use in an oven. The baking temperature may oscillate between around 248 F to 302 F. Please let us know if you have any other questions!


  76. Common Bread Baking Problems (180)


    Tried three recipes in a row and all three came out like the ingredients were not completely mixed. Have used the machine successfully for several years so this is a new problem. Blades seem fine and catch the shaft as expected.


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (181)

      Hi Michael, if you have tested the kneading blades, then try checking the wing nuts underneath the pan by turning them. If they seem hard to turn then it would indicate that the baking pan is worn. If the baking pan is ok, then it’s likely that the kneading blades will need replacement after all. They may be to the point that with the resistance caused by the ingredients is making them slip off and not actually turn. I would also recommend getting in touch with our Customer Service team for troubleshooting assistance as well. They are very knowledgeable and will be able to figure out the cause with you.


  77. Common Bread Baking Problems (182)

    Melissa C

    I have the BB-CEC20. Using my regular recipe the last time I used it there was a very loud noise during the kneading cycle. I actually wasn’t sure what it was at the time as I was in the other room. When the loaf was done baking I realized the noise had come from my machine as when I pulled the loaf out the bottom of the loaf had black grease on it where the paddle is. The grease was (and still is) coming from the area where the piece the paddle attaches to in the pan. The pan also has deep scratches where the paddle sits. I can’t use this pan any longer and not sure what happened. It’s as if the “shaft or bearing broke” I have had two zojirushi bread machines and have used the same recipe. Why did this happen?


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (183)

      Hi Melissa, based on your description it sounds like the baking pan is worn out and needs replacement. Overtime and use the kneading blades and baking pan will wear and will require replacement. The baking pan’s rotating shafts will become harder to turn and it may eventually leak the compressed vegetable grease which is what occurred. At this point the pan should be replaced and if the kneading blades haven’t been replaced, it may be a good idea to do so.

      Parts for your breadmaker are available here:

      If you have additional questions or concerns, then please reach out to our Customer Service Team here:


  78. Common Bread Baking Problems (184)

    Bobbie Williams

    Does the bread dough need to be punched down during the rising function in the BB-PDC20 bread making machine or at any time during the process?

    Is there a CD or YouTube video that you provide and is available for all the different set up settings of making various breads, etc.? The short video on your website only describes the machine functions. I watch a lot of YouTube channels which are helpful for me. I would appreciate a CD or YouTube help.


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (185)

      Hi Bobbie, the breadmaker will punch down the dough automatically at the start of the second and third rise. It’s best to leave the breadmaker do it than manually do the punch down. Here is a playlist on how to use the BB-PDC20:

      Please let us know if you have any other questions!


  79. Common Bread Baking Problems (186)

    Cynthia Peterson

    I have a Zojirushi Virtuoso BB-PAC20 machine. It generally works well but the bread always seems light in color, even if I put it on dark crust.
    I am wondering if the machine is not heating enough – how can I check this?


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (187)

      Hello Cynthia, it sounds like the dough is not being kneaded properly. This is generally normal to occur when parts like the baking pan or kneading blades are showing signs of wear. Please reach out to our customer service department and they can help you with troubleshooting and figuring out what is causing the issue.

      Zojirushi Customer Service:


      1. Common Bread Baking Problems (188)

        Cynthia Peterson

        I have sent an email to customer service today 4/12/2024.
        My bread is also not rising – I’ve changed yeast, flour to no avail.
        I purchased this machine in 2018, and it worked fine then. My first Zoji bread machine lasted 20+ years with no problems. I expected this machine to last as long.


        1. Common Bread Baking Problems (189)

          Hi Cynthia, sounds like maybe the kneading blades and/or the baking pan may be showing signs of wear. If you have tried replacing the ingredients with fresh flour and yeast, and you are weighing all your ingredients then it’s best to first test the parts. First you want to make sure the pan and kneading blades are outside and not installed in the breadmaker and is empty (no ingredients). Place the kneading blades onto the kneading shafts and turn them. If you see that they are freely spinning without moving the shaft, then they need replacement. After, remove them and turn the pan upside down and turn the wingnuts underneath. If you need to place more force or if they become harder to turn, then the pan is in need of replacement.

          If you would like to have on our helpful customer service representatives walk you through the testing, please give them a call at 1-800-733-7260 M-F from 8 am – 5 pm PST. For replacement parts, please visit our parts and accessories shop:


  80. Common Bread Baking Problems (190)


    Hi. I love my breadmaker but, unfortunately, it can be undercooked on the inside. Especially when I make the raisin bread using the course one. Doughy. I have followed the directions completely. I have the BB – PDC20 model. Any ideas? Thanks for your help.


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (191)

      Hi Amy, if the inside of the bread is undercooked and doughy, it’s usually due to the dough being too dense. This tends to happen whenever measuring cups are used instead of a kitchen scale to measure the ingredients. First we always recommend to try out weighing the ingredients, this will usually resolve the issue. If you are already doing so, then please reach out to our Customer Service team for assistance. They are very knowledgeable with baking and are happy to help to get you baking great loaves with your breadmaker:


  81. Common Bread Baking Problems (192)


    I have the Zojirushi. Virtuoso BB-PDC20 bread maker. Overall. I am very happy with the machine. But…. I get lopsided loaves. This despite using a kitchen scale and following the recipe to the letter. Your troubleshooting tips suggest too much flour or not enough liquid. I fail to see how this causes one side of the loaf to rise higher than the other. The end product is lovely and light and otherwise perfect. I also found a video where it was suggested aligning the paddles before adding the ingredients. This doesn’t seem to do anything for the problem and i have to ask myself, if this were important why is it not mentioned in the Zojirushi instructions. Is there anything other than messing with the flour/water ratio that might be causing this?


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (193)

      Hi Wanda, we are sorry to hear you are experiencing some difficulties with your breads. It is normal for the breads to have one side slightly higher than the other. As long as the bread is rising above the edge of the pan, the loaf is likely to be considered a successful loaf. However, if you have a noticeable slope, then as you said the frequent cause is a discrepancy between the wet and dry ingredients. Now, if you are already weighing your ingredients, then you want to make sure that they are all fresh, that bread flour is being used, and that the yeast is fresh as well. In some cases, if you live in high altitudes, this will also affect the bread. I would highly recommend getting in touch with our customer support team so they can help you troubleshoot your breadmaker and help you achieve great results with it:


  82. Common Bread Baking Problems (194)


    Weighted flour not match the cup amount.

    I used a kitchen scale and cups to measure the flour, and found out that 553g flour only about 3 + 3/4 cups flour, if use 4+1/4 cups flour , that’s about 620g flour. so which one should I use.


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (195)

      Good morning, we suggest going by weight and not volume as weight is more accurate. Please let us know how the bread turned out!


  83. Common Bread Baking Problems (196)


    Question on the bread recipes I do the honey bread a lot because it’s my favorite but it’s very high which is fine it’s just not the ideal bread size so I was going to try halving my recipe but I’m wondering do I change baking time as well and by how much? I am use to just pressing the course number so any advice will help thank you.


    1. Common Bread Baking Problems (197)

      We are very happy to hear you are enjoying your breadmaker! If the bread is rising too high, it may be due to overactive yeast and sometimes reducing the amount of sugar and using cold water can help. However, we would highly recommend getting in touch with our knowledgeable and helpful Customer Service team. They can help you better figuring out the recipe and give you tips on getting the best results.


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Common Bread Baking Problems (2024)


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